Monday, August 01, 2005
What I Learned This Summer
It's Sunday. I am at work. Some things I learned this summer:
- I have a rapacious work ethic
- I can use rapacious in a sentence
- I am a recovering slacker
- I like being a slacker better
- People are full of shit (not so much learned as reinforced)
- Music=survival
- BlogHer is a convention meant to make us neophytes feel like uninvited prom dates
- Lots of bloggers are bipolar
- Sex is about release without contrivances and artifical ingredients
- Sex is a mood enhancer
- Work is a soul depleter
- Music=sex
- Birth School Work Death=truth
- People really, truly, absolutely do not like to work hard
- People are really good at pretending they work hard
- People are really good at saying, "I was here until 11:00 last night"
- I am really good at not being impressed by people who say, "I was here until 11:00 last night"
- Some people want a baby for the wrong reasons
- Sometimes a man who has had the brain sucked out of his head by a shitty marriage gets a second chance
- I need to get back to work
- I want to go on vacation. Right now. Splash. Lake. Ancestral summer home
- Brideshead needs to be revisited
Cynicism is another word for reality
Email me, you derelict wastrel
Rain, Celestial Mountains, Coffee
After Dinner Cry
Literary Magazines
It Goes On, And Then It Rains
Karl Rove, A Fat Gay Eunich? Our Suspicions Confir...
Morning Haiku
Dragonflies and Nominees
I Coulda Been a Retiree
Gargoyle Magazine
Paycock Press "Enhanced Gravity: More Fiction by Washington Area Women"(JUNE 2006!!!!)
Chattahoochee Review Winter 2002
Main Street Rag, Volume 7, Number 4, Winter 2003
Pangolin Papers Spring 2001
Gargoyle Magazine
Gorgeous Cape Cod Paintings
Mimi Smartypants
The New Yorker
Rabbit Blog
Reader of Depressing Books
Sexy Brussels Lady
Suburban Bliss
Thumbless Wonder
The Washington Post
I'm Not a Girl, Not Yet a Wino
Weaker Vessel
Suburban Turmoil
The Wit Memo
Crazy/Hip Blog-Mamas+
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