Thursday, September 29, 2005 O Happy Refuge! Anyway, the music that is speaking to me in such a big way, and I can’t really account for it, is Oasis. I know, that is so ‘90’s of me. I can be forgiven for that because I was overseas for much of the ‘90’s and so for me it’s really au currant. Maybe it’s not such a good sign that I am communing metaphysically with a coupla fractious drug addled brothers. I am listening to “Going Nowhere” now and it is making my heart float. Also maybe not so good that a drug addled band’s song called “Going Nowhere” is speaking to me. Maybe it’s a sign. Either that I need a wonderwall, or just some plain good heroin. I love the way he says “mo-tor car, maybe a jag-u-ar.” You see! Yesterday Bono was all talking to me and today it’s Liam and Noel. Naughty boys! So I thought, I’ll just Google the lyrics to this song that’s speaking to me because, while I can clearly hear the motor car/ jag-u-ar part, I can’t really make out some of the rest. Here are the lyrics!!!!! I could do with a motor car I am now receiving messages in cryptic spirtual fashion from two bad boys. Thanks lads! Back to your pints! I could do with a pint right about now! What say? Meet you at the Goat 'n Grind in a jiff. Carry on. Oh, as if that weren't enough symbolism for one day, oasis: 1 : a fertile or green area in an arid region (as a desert) 2 : something that provides refuge, relief, or pleasant contrast | |
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